The Cavalier Soldiers' Vade Mecum. Edited by E. Almack, F.S.A. (Blades, East, and Blades. 4s. 6d.)—The real title of this interesting relic of the Great Rebellion is "Certain Prayers Fitted to Severale Occasions and are to be Used in His Majesties Armies." Only one copy is known to exist. First we have a list of psalms to be said or sung on various occasions. Then follows a "psalm preparatory" collected from several psalms, and then the prayers for "the setting out of an army," "for the soldiers on parade," "before battle," "for a place besieged," "for the civil state of the Kingdom," &c. The most characteristic is that to be used in times of distress and danger. One or two we know already from the Book of Common Prayer, and the phrase- ology is often identical. The style and tenor are always dignified and often rise to sublimity. Witness this extract from "A Prayer Before the Battle :—" And that we may with the more security meet our Dangers, Seal to every Soul here, this day, the forgiveness of all our Sins : And howsoever it shall please thee to dispose of us in this Battle, Thy blessed Will, Holy Father, be done ; Be unto us, both in Life, and in Death, advantage ; and grant that we may either come off with Victory, and live thy Servants, or expect our gearland in the next life, and die thy Martyrs," &c.