reizzr.w. heading we nottce such Books of the wee& as have not been for review in other forms.] The Life of Reklunara. By Percy E. Newberry. (A. Constable and Co. 21s.)—Rekhmara was Prime Minister of Thothmes having special charge of the district between Assouan and Siut. He was Governor of Thebes and Chief Justice (literally "Gate. of Justice," from the place where justice was commonly adminis- tered). He was also Steward of the Temple of Amen, and had charge of the prisoners of war, who were made to work for the god, and otherwise employed in the neighbourhood of the temple. Rekhmara survived his master, but seems not to have been continued in office by the next Monarch, Amenhetep II. All thee° duties as pictured on the tomb (which is in the - neighbourhood of Luxor), and with them the Vizier's private business and amusements (as spearing the hippopotamus), are reproduced in this volume. It gives us a highly interesting glance into Egyptian life in the fifteenth century B.C.