10 AUGUST 1944, Page 1


HE strategy of the campaign in France is revealing iself with

great rapidity, and the events of the last few days live made r what before may have been obscure. The terrific attack south Caen, headed by the Canadians, is at the moment of writing 1 making progress, and at the very least it has loosened what has en described as the hinge of the German armies. But with ual and probably greater correctness this region should be described the hinge of the Allied armies. Three weeks ago, when it was gested in these pages that a left-wheeling movement might be ected from the American army, the Allied forces had a line ghly facing south-west. We now see that there has been a large- le left wheel, pivoted on Caen, so that the whole line is now facing ghly east, in the direction of Paris and the Seine. Strategic- till this week the British have been marking time near Caen, from a tactical point of view making violent assaults to keep as .h as possible of the German armour and artillery engaged. ainst the consequently reduced German strength at the other d of the line the Americans pushed hard and swiftly, and have ung round a complete quarter circle, throwing off blocks of armour a tangent to seize the Brittany hinterland. The Allied armies now in a position such that, if all goes well, they can advance parallel columns all along the line towards the Seine ; or, alterna- ely, it the Germans stay too long near Caen or near Mortain, they the risk that the Americans may complete the semi-circle and velope them. All this looks a• perfect plan on paper. It is actually at has happened.