Elders And Betters Sir,—may An Unrepentant Victorian...
of Mr. David Roles article on "Elders and Betters" in your issue of August 4th? One is tempted to say, "Is David also among the prophets? " though I hope no one will trouble to......
India's Population Sts,—in "news Of The Week" You Quote Lord
Munster's statement on the subject of India's food supply. The hard fact, he said, was that India's population is increasing by 5,000,00o a year and her food supply hardly......
Hoppers And Bombs Sir,—i Fear " Janus " Has Put
rather too much "pep" into his paragrati about hop-picking and flying bombs. It seems doubtful if there is any region where "the bombs are being shot down methodically in brgt......
The Basuto's Future Stit,—in Your Issue Of June And An
article on "The Basuto's Future" draws attention to General Smuts's wish to incorporate the Protectorates in the Union. Your correspondent vividly describes the Basutos' freedom......
Mr. Gunther Again!
SIR,—In your issue of July 2 I St you published a review of Mr. Guntbeet book, D Day, in which your reviewer Miss P. D. Pool quotes * author as saying "every Turk prays for two......
Bringing Down Flying Bombs Sta,—in "today's News" In The...
of July 28th it is stated "the enemy sent over flying bombs yesterday. The defences scored non , successes." Successes? What is the definition of success? What the defences have......
The Brazilian Currency Sut,—while Reading An Article By...
R. Hobson on Bretton Woods in The Spectator of July 28th, I was interested to observe a curious error. In an example he gives he states that the currency of Brazil is the......
Publishing And Labour S1r,—your Correspondent Mr. J. F....
to think that any increase in the paper supply would not help to increase the supply of books so long as the present labour shortage remains. With all respect, I would repeat......
Ripening Tomatoes Sir,—a Member Of This College Ripened...
tomatoes last year by pulling up the plants by the roots at the end of September and keeping the roots immersed in a bath full of water in a warm attic. She hi heard of this......
Slr,—in Your Article "elders And Betters" Two Points Are...
(1) The failure and collapse of the Victorian era. (2) The soundness of its foundations. These seem incompatible to me, and I hope the writer......