Pall Mall, Dec. 7.—Infantry-62d Regt. of Foot—Major-Gen. W. T. Knollys to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. T. Lightfoot, C.13: deceased. Royal .Engineers—Lieut.-Gen. G. G. Lewis,. C.B. to be Col. Commandant vice
Lieut.-Gen. E. Fanshawe, C.B. deceased. '
Cavalry-2d Regt. of Drag. Guards—Lient.-Col. C. P. B. Walker, from half-pay Unatt. to be Lieut.-Col. paying the difference between Infantry and cavalry, vice Brisco, who exchanges, reeeiving the same. 6th Drag. Guards—W. J.. Hessey, Gent, to be Riding-Master, vice Llewellyn, deceased. 7th Light Drags.—Capt. the Hon. A. H, A. Anson, from the 10th Light Drags, to be Capt. vice Coates, who exchanges. 8th Light Drags.—Cornet Parry de Winton to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Saws bridge, promoted. 10th Light Drags.—Capt. F. Coates, from the 7th Light Drags, to be Capt. 'vice the Hon. A. H. A. Hanson, who exchanges ; Cornet C. T. Vandeleur to be Lieut. by purchase,vice Fife, promoted. 13th Light Drags.—Lieut. It. A. Clement to be Capt. by purchase, vice Chamber- Jayne, who retires. 16th Light Drags.—Cornet J. H. Corballis has been permitted to resign his com- mission. infantry—Grenadier Guards-.Capt. and Lieut.-Col. and Brevet-Col. F. W. Has miltou, C.B. to be Major without purchase, vice Brevet-Col. the Hon. A. F. Foley, who retires; Capt. and Lieut.-Col. and Brevet-Col. the Hon. J. Lindsay to be Major, without purchase, vice the Hon. R. Bruce, Who retires upon half-Pay Unatt. vice Brisco ; Lieut, and Capt, C. N. Hogge to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Hamilton; H.' Enacts from half-pay Unatt. to be' Capt. and Lieut.-Col. vice the Hon. J. Lindsay; Lieut. and Capt. J. A. Digla to be Cents and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Brisco, who retires; Ensign and Lieut. R. J. Buller to be Lieut: and Capt. by purchase, vice Eogge Ensign and Lieut. 'A: H. D. Pennant to be Lieut. and .Capt. by purchase, Mee Digby ; Ensign FL W. Hope, from the 19th Foot, to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Bullet. 4th'Regiment of Foot—R. A. Knox, Gent. to be Eneign, without purchase, vibe Billing, promoted. . 9th Foot—C. G. Kane, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Cox, appoint- ed to the S7th Foot., The appointment of Ensign Dunn on the 29th October 1858, was vice" Bradshaw," pronioted, and not vice "Lynne," as then stated. 12th Foot—E. G. Hilibert, from the 50th Foot, lobe Major, vice Hamley, who exchanges; Ensign S. V, Page, to be Lieut. by purchase; vice J. F. N. Hewett, who retires; Ensign W. A. Featherstonehangh to be Lieut. by purchase, vice lath Foot—Ensign W. F. Thacker to 'be Lieut. by purchase, vice Baker, prom.; Wilkie, promoted. the commissions of Lieuts. W. T. Le Brun and M. J. Rs Macgregor to be antedated to the 23c1 of April 1858. 19th Foot—Ensign F. G. Frith to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Webster, who retires. 22d Foot—Ensign L. Nunn, from the Wexford Militia, lobe Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Plunkett, promoted. 2'dd Foot—Paymaster T. N. Young, from the 22d Foot, to be paymaster, vice Aston removed. 24t1; Foot—Ensign T. P. Butler, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Godwin-Austent promoted. 37th Foot—Lieut. F. J. N. Ind to be Capt. by purchase, vice Harrison, promoted; Ensign M. A. Borthwick to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ind. 44th Foot—Lieut. A. de M. Fleming to be Capt. by purchase, vice Daubeney, who retires. 50th Foot—Major F. G. Hamley, from the 12th Foot, to be Major, vice Hibbert, who exchanges. Seth Foot—Brevet-Col. C. Herbert, C.B. from the 75th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Moffat, who retires upon half-pay Unatt. vice Lieut.-Col. Radcliff, appointed to the 75th Foot. 56th Foot—T. D. Sullivan, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice 8ffinhoe, promoted in the 15th Foot. 63d Foot-The appointment of Bernid Hermon, Gent, to an Enifigncy, by pur- chase as statedin the Gagette of the &Mot ember. 1858, has been cancelled. 05rik,F6de4vie4,-evlsrEF*ritiii,, ,Capt. by Pirrchase, 'dee 31evle,f, *to re- tires ; Pennellither to be Lieut. by purchase, sire Berries ;.11iesign C. E.
Chevalier, , to, be IteuL perease, vice Leonard, u hose pram:Him, inirehase,
on thce' 24111 rif h been cancelled ; Serg.L kiirjor W. Alelander to be Ensign, without„purchar, yieu Chevalier.
75th Fniit-I.ieutIzeOl. Nts Itadefitf,''froM half-pay linatt. to' lie' Lieut.-Col. vice Brevet-Cal. Herbert, reropved to the 51,th Foot.
Vilth 'Foot --LIMA': CI: '1.):'13arker, to teAdjt.t nogfrIrpfornoted in 'the 18th Flat FtfOt-EnSielt L derry to be Adjt. tiee Lieut. Ir. Musgrave, who resigns the AdjoMney oply.
82d FM ti' =0. dithys'bent. to be Ensiglic Without mitchase, vice Lock, prom. 85th Foot-Lieut. W. Ashe to be Capt. by purchase, vice Coussmaker, Who re- tires ; Ensign C. Doughty to be LietitAVPitrehlbe, vice Ashe.
'The,firolit India Regimeeet...iEnsign C. O'Callaghan, to be Licut.•without purchase, videMurPhy, prontoteds,ulthtlut purchase, to an Unatt. company. Hossifteil Stair-To he Inspector-Generals of Hospitals wider. the Royal warrant, of Oct. 1.-Local In:Teeter-Generals A. Ferguson, M.D.; A. Melvia ; W. Bell, 'Die :undermentioned 'officers having retired upon half-pay., to have a step of honorary rank raider the poovision of the Royal warrant of Oct. 1, 1858. To be Inpector-Generals ,tif,11rispItals-Iternty InspectursGtelerals Dr., .1: Henderson ;. Dt. IOW: Balaban; 'Rosie] Artillery. 'lo be .Deputy- Inspeetor-Generals of Hospi- tallgurg..Majors 8.. Ohistiblin ; J. Connell; - J. 31'Gregor ;- E. Bradford ; W. : Lucaa; '1', Fox, 31.I.Y. ;..T.1dostyn ; J. S. Graves. To be Assia•tant.SOrgeous to the-Forces-J. .'M'Oarthy; M.D.; 11; Garrison Gent. • J.:Maztin, ,Gent. ; W. Ilikerek, Gent.; W. 'Linighecd, Gent.; A. T. Caltery, dent. ' • . Brevet.-To bo Goloriele.m theAritly,-Licut.-Cols. C. L. D'Agnilar, C.11. Royal ' Artillerys; .1. A. B. 1taAnss 415th,: Foot; A, 1. 1mckhart, 9211Eocit. To be Lien- tenant•Eolonelt in Hie Alin -Majors A. 0: Thtillusson,!i24 Foot; G. W. T. Rich, 71st FoOf ; Brevet-Major E. T. Gloster, 3801 Foot ; Major G. C. Vial's, 95th Foot; Brevet-Major J. Ross, Rifle Brigade ; Major C. N. North, :110th lobs; Major W. Drysdale, C.Dt 9th Light Drags. ; Brevet-Maim' J. 111:F, Elkington, 6th Foot ; Major B. Blentierhassetll 71st Foot; Brevet-Mayor T. Fenwlik, ROyal Engineers, To be Majors in the Army-Capt. and Brevet-Major P. S. Thpropson,•11111:Light Drags. to have his Brevet-Majority antedated, to July 20, 1858; Capt. J. A. Todd,
14th LighbOragsat P.O.ekl/PriAi 434. lout; Cept. F. H. . Ominanney,. Royal Artillery s.fiept, 13", 31'31alunt, 14th Light Drags. ; Capt. C. E. John, 17th Foot ; Capt.. IL Foeter, 95th lout; -Capt. C. W. lieneage, Stli Light Drags ; Capt. Robert toorea 801, Light Drags.; Capt. Arthur C. Parker, .71st Foot ; Capt. IL Bethune, 985 Foot ; Capt. Sir W. Gordon,. 1.71,11 Light Drags.; Capt. II. St. John, 92cl Foot. , ', • •
The commissions of the undermentioned officers of the Royal Marines to,be an- tedated to lfith,of Novesnher 1354, uudor the provision, of Ole Royal warrant of the 140rof fleteber48,50-s-Colonols, T. Hurdle. C.B, Aide-ile-Centp to the Queen ; T. P. Dyer ; H. W. Parke ; A. ii. Stransham. ,4/614somanPror.,-West,fient Light Infautry Militia-Ensign J. Ilarri5, absent wittertG,leave during the late lcainins is removed from the strength of the regiment.
WAR-01 FIVE, Pall Mall, Dec. 11).-Corafross-1st Regiment of Drag. Guards- 411V1filln W11., Copt, ttylitercliese; vier 'Sir '1'. Gresley, Bart, who re- tires •, Cornet' hlarslarid tube Lient iiirpitrelin;e, vice Edimanw. -
11th Light Dregs.-Licut. J,,31'1„oughlin lobe Adjt. vice Yates, who realigns the' Adj'utaney only. • '
-entdstream OttordsIt. IL Brand, Gent. to be Ensign and Lieut. withontpur-
chase vice S. T. Sipinwaring. who resigns. Infa otry.3d Regiment of Foot-Lieut. II. T. Anlev to be Capt. by purchase, vice Weinman, who retires; Ensign F. P. ;ones to be Limit. by purchase, vice Anle7;'.
7th Foot-Capt. R. Blacken, from the 75th Foot. to be Capt. vice Malan, who exchanges.
Llth Foot-The Christian names of Captain Bourke, are" Paget John." 12th Foot-To be Lieutenants-H. M. Llwry, from the 96th Foot, vice Williams, who es,clianges ; Lieut. F. T. Elwood, front the 4711, Foot, vice Meyer, who ex- changes.' ' •
14th Foot-To be Lieutenants, by purchase-Ensign H. J. Harrington, Vice Saunders, promoted ; Ensign J. T. Edwards, vice Yernede, promoted ; Ensign J. B. Friuli, vire Le Mesurier, promoted.
23d Foot-Ensign A. It. Winstanley to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Tobin, dec. Ensign F. Gerard to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Winstanley, whose pro- motion without purchase on the 18th October 1858 has been cancelled. 24th Foot-Limit. C. F., Lloyd, from the 3d West India Regt. to be Lieut. vice Landon, who exchanges. 31st Foot-Brevet-Lieut.-Col. F. Spence to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase; Capt. C. J. 0. Swatfield to be Major, without purchase, vice Spence; Lieut. A. Mitchellto be Capt. without purchase, vice Swaffield ; Ensign J. T. A. Ganjiner to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Mitchell; Assist.-Surg. C. H. Giraud, from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. 36th Foot-Ensign C. B. Bond, front the 80th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Mitchell, who.exchanges. , 47th Foot-Lieut. H. A. Meyer, front the 12th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Elwood,
wbo. exchanges. . 58th Foot-Assist.-Surrs. C. B. Mathew, from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice O'Donovan, appointed to the Staff.
63d Foot-T. Atkinson, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice B. Hermon; Whose appointment has been cancelled. 75th Foot-Capt. C. H. Malan, from the 7th Foot, to be Capt. vice Blackall, who exchanges. 130th Foot-Ensign T. B. Michell, from the 36th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Bond, who exchanges. 81st Foot-Lieut. R. Swift to be Instructor of Musketry. 83d Foot-Ensign W. F. Anderson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice 31eurant, promoted in succession to Col. Trydell, promoted to be Major-General. 84th Foot-J. H. B. Isherwood, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hassell, promoted. 85th Foot-Ensign W. H. Drage to be Adjt. vice Lieut. Ashe, who resigns that appohatment. 89th Foot-Major W. Boyle to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Philipps, deceased ; Capt. J. Atkinson to be Major, without purchase, vice Boyle ; Lieut. A. Breed= to be Capt. without purchase, vice Atkinson; Lieut. J. A. Barstow to be Capt. by purchase, vice Conyers, who retiree; Lieut. M. C. Browning to be Capt. by purchase, vice Tom, who retires; Ensign it. 1,1. Newbigging to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Breeden; Ensign R. F. Harrison to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bar- stow; Ensign W: Poll to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Browning. 93d Foot-Lieut;R. V. S. Grimston to be Capt. by purchase, vice Sprot, who re- tires. The promotion of Ensign G. J. M. Taylor to be in succession to Capt. 31'Donald, killed in action, March 11, 1858, and to be antedated to 12th March 1858. Ensign B. R.. A. D. Cunyngliam to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Goldsmith, re- moved to the Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment ; Ensign J. E. D. Campbell to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Grimston ; Quartermaster Sergt. W. Forbes to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Cunynghatu. 96th Foot-Lieut. H. L. Williams, from the 12th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Lowry, who exchanges.
[The remainder of the Millings Gazette of the 10th December trill appear:
next week.]