Mr. Lowe At Kidderminster.
Mr. Robert Lowe has been on a visit to his constituents; they enter- tained him at dinner one day, and he entertained them with a huge political oration the next. Ire showed......
Lord Brougham will preside at the Burns' Centenary Festival in Edin- burgh on the 25th January. As an expression of admiration and grati- tude some of the leading citizens of......
Some time since a project was set on foot to send an Irish-American Militia regiment, armed, and in uniform, on a visit to Ireland! This as- tonishing project was regarded as......
Forrigu Aii Culnutal.
liffilIff:—The Emperor and Empress returned to Paris (rein Com- piegne on Sunday. They - Were received at the railway terminus and es- corted home by a strong military guard. As......