BR ITIS Tr FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Seer Cent Consols Ditto for ;iceboat firer Cents Bodueed New! per Cents Long' Annuities Annuities 180
.Bank Stock,fi per Cent
India Etock;101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, 'Jasper diem Exchequer Bonds, 1859 India Bonds 4 pet Cent Sword. Hawke. Polestar. Wsdrim.
afki •
961 961 961 9119 062 Ni 961 at 181
. 134
226 226 •
84 14
11 Thar.. • • Pratte.
97 so Sr 961 97 , 14 221
14 ii 14
PowEtex ruNns.
(Last Official Quotation during theWeek ending PridairEeenhig.)
4U-DE uiStet:nlOis.Any re b 6 -
• --- Peruvian 3 66 Russian 3 - 5 It
932 461 113; 94" 471
31 911 48 ; SEA (Last Official Quotation during tp RE S. e Week ending Friday Evening.)
-Bristol and Easter 931
Caledonian. PI
Chester and Hoiyhuad 44 Eastern COuntles 691
Edinburgh and Glasgow 476
Waspy., and South-Western ., - Great Northern ., 109 Great a oh. and West. Ireland - Great Western ' 561' Lancashire and Yorkshire 971 Lancaster and Carlisle 87 London, Briglitonot South Coast 112 ,London andlllackwall 6/ London and North-Western 951 London and South-'Western 94 )tanchester, Slieffield,t Lincolo 37/ Midland 1001 Midland GrvatWestern (Irela.nd)J ---
North British -
North-Eastern-Berwick 931 North-Eastern-York 951 Oxford, Wor.& Wolverhampton 291 Scottish Central -- Scottish Midland
South -Eastern and Dover 94
Eastern of France - East Indian 108 Geelong and Melbourne 18 Grand Trunk of Canada 371 Great Dollen Peninsular 211 Great Western of Canada 171 Paris and Lyons 351
Australian 1
Brazilian Imperial --
Ditto St. John del Rey lel Cobre Copper 39 Rhyainey Iron 251 Australasian British North American City Colonial - Commercial oiri.coulon Boni. Scotsh.g Australian Chtd. London London and County London Chrtd. Bak. afAuStralla London Joint Stock London and Westminster National Bank Natrona Provincial New South Wales Oriental Provincial of Ireland South Australia Union of Ausiralla Union of London Tnity Western Bank of London
East and West India London St. Katherine Victoria
Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada Crystal l'alace Electric Telegraph General Steam London Discount National Discount Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mall Steam South Australian 92 611 , • 63 171 47 30 '
522 ;
1051. 94
sit ni
It III 4 41 85 601 39 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Dee. 10.
I. S.
Indian Corn. 30 to 31 Oats, Feed.. 22-24 Fine.,.. 24-N Poland ... 23-26 Fine..., 26-27 Potato.... 35-27 Fine:- 27-29 'WEEKLY AVERAGE. Poe the Week ending Dee. 4. Wheat 41s. 54. 'Rye 31r. 24. Barley 33 4 Beans 42 6 Oats 22 8 Peas 43 10 137K-WEEKS AVERAGE.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat,... 43..104. I Rye .-.... 311. 84, Barley 33 4 I Beans 42 9
Oats 23 0 ,Peas 44U
Town-made per sack 40s. to 438- Seconds 33 - 36 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 28 - 30 Norfolk and Stockton 27 - 28 American per barrel 23 - 26 Canadian 32 - 26 Bread.414. to 78. the 41b. loaf. PROVISIONS. Batter-Best Fresh, 16s. dos. Carlow, W. Or. to 51. so permit. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 46..- 49s. Cheese, Cheshire, fine 66 - 79 Derby, pale 60 - 71 Hama, York 86 -06 Eggs, French, per 120, es. 94. to 91. 04.
a. d. a. d S. d. a. d. a. d. a. al. C■771.1-31•11MIT.
Beef... 3 0 to 3 8 to 4 0 .... 4 0 to 4 8 to 5 0 Monday. Thursday, Mutton 3 0 - 3 8 - 4 2 .... 4 0 - 4 8 - 6 2 Beasts.. 4,150 1,520 Veal... 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 6 .... 4 0 - 4 8 - 5 0 Sheep _16,800 4,390
Pork .. 3 0 - 3 6 - 4 4 .... 3 8 - 4 0 - 6 2 Calves.. 108 176
Lamb. 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 Pip ... 350 190 • To sink the offal, per 8 lb.
Weald of Kent Pockets 51s. to Pr. Mid and East 'lent ditto 70 - 120 Sussex ditto 50 - 62 Farnham ditto 9 - 0 WOOL.
Down Pegs per lb. 1814. to 194. Half-bred Wethers 161 - 17 Leicester Fleeces 17 - 18 Combing Skins 13 - 17 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Soivonetr. Ws macosrzt. COMITILLLIND.
75s. to 77s 72s. to 805 SD. 20 930.
65 70 60 - 63 65 - 76 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 85 ....- 100 95 - 100 96 - 100 23 - 30 ^', - 28 29 - 34 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw GROCERIES.
Tea, Sonehong, fine, per lb. 2s. 04.10 2e. Sd.
Congou, fine 1 II -2 6 Pskoe, flowery 3 0 - 4 s In bond-Duty ls 54. per lb. Coffee,fine tin bond) cwt. 74r. 04. to 90r. 04
Oood Ordinary 45.. 64. to 50s. 04 Cocoa, Trinidad (in bond) 504604. to 70.. 04. Rice, Arne. dr. Carolina 17s. 04. to 24s. 04. Sugar, Muscovado, average.- 284. 414. West India Molasses.... 13.. Od. to 18s. 04. POTATOES.
Kent and Essex Regents ton 130s. to 900. Shows 0 - 0
York Regents SO po
Scotch ,, SO - 90
• MISCELLANEOUS. Jamaica Rum..., per gal. D. d. to Is. 24.
Brandy, Best Brands 7 - 8 Cotton , N. Orleans.per lb 0 - 0 Saltpetre, Ref... .per cwt 45
Guano, Peruvian. per ton 280 - o Tallow P. Y. C...per cwt 52 - o
Town 43 - 0 Rape 011, Engliab refined 44 - 45 Brown 0 - 0 Linseed 011 30 - 0 Cocoanut Oil 38 - 43 Palm Oil 41 - 41
Linseed 011-cake. Pcrion 209 ...- o
Coals , Hetton 19 - 0 Tees I - 0 - 46