Mr. Parnell also declared his belief that the present Govern-
ment would not be able to pass any effectual laud measure, and his satisfaction at that prospect. He rejoiced that Mr. Forster's Compensation for Evictions Bill did not pass last Session, and would have voted against it himself, if he could not have counted on the House of Lords to do his dirty work for him. He did not expect to succeed in the object of his agitation immediately. He thought it would still take five or six years. But he hoped to make one Government after another hopeless which did not grant the Land League's terms. And in point of fact, Mr. Parnell is in a much more potent position than ever O'Connell was. Ulster itself is more or less passing over to him, and landlords who have been at least as good and as liberal landlords as the very best in England or Scotland, are calmly required by their tenants to reduce their demands for rent by one-half, if they wish for any rent at all. On the foundation of a real, popular grievance, Mr. Parnell's organisa- tion has successfully raised a superstructure of revolution which represents only the sordid reluctance of the pocket to fulfil its lawful contracts.