Colonel Stanley Made A Speech At Over Darwen On Thurs-
day, in which he maintained that the late Government had nothing at all to do with the present state of Ireland ; and proved it, as he said, on the evidence of Mr. Justice......
Mr. Clare Sewell Read On Monday Made A Speech To
the Farmers' Club, Holborn, in which he rather deprecated exces- sive fear of American competition. He denied that American wheat could be laid down in the Mersey under 40s. a......
President Hayes Sent In His Final Message To Congress On
December 4th. He congratulates the Union upon its prosperity, an account of which we have given elsewhere, and which is cer- tainly marvellous ; advises that negro suffrage......
There Is A Kind Of Murrain Raging Among The Judges,
the last death being that of Sir James Colvile, the virtual head of the Judicial Committee of Privy Council He was one of the men who, from some inner hauteur or other defect of......
Nobody Gives Us Any Fun. The Opposition Are Bitter And
the Ministerialists are argumentative, and the speeches of the Recess are as heavy as lead. Mr. Stanhope tried to be an ex- ception at Huddersfield on Tuesday, but he only made......
The French Senate Is- Still Most Reluctant To Pass The
Bill upon the Magistracy, which affronts all Conservative feeling. The Committee appointed to discuss the details of the Bill is decidedly hostile, and has elected M. Jules......
The India Office Has Made A Considerable Financial...
and has had a great success. The Department wanted three millions, and offered 3t per cent, in gold in London, pro- mised not to pay off the loan for fifty years, and fixed 98......
A Report Is Being Diligently Circulated Upon The...
the German Government has proposed to compromise the Greek question, by asking the Porte to surrender the whole of Thessaly and the island of Crete, while retaining Epirus.. The......