[To THE EDITOR or TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Wonla you allow me a few lines to correct a, wholly unintentional misrepresentation in your kind and interesting notice in the Spectator of December 4th of the first volume of my "Eighteenth Century Letters." In criticising my "pro- spectus " your reviewer says : " The omission of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and Gray is surely inexplicable." I can offer no explanation for the very simple reason that the idea. of omitting them never entered for one moment into my imagination. They are, indeed, largely responsible for the scheme of which a few volumes only have yet been announced, though the advertisements speak of others to follow. The " head classics " of whom the article speaks will all be included except "Junius," whose letters are not corre- spondence, and Byron, who does not belong to my period.— I am, Sir, gte.,