A New Route To The Riviera.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin,—If any intending traveller to the Riviera wants an entirely new and entirely pleasurable sensation let him try the route from Paris......
OXFORD. UPoN a hill I stood, and far below Lay the lov'd city in a silver haze : Mine eyes were quick with tears : she lay so fair, So passionless, so sad. 'Twas here our......
The Government And The West Indian Demand.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—You ask a question in your footnote in the Spectator of December 4th, and I am simple enough to suppose that you desire an answer. I......
DEEDS THAT WON THE EMPIRE.* OUR readers may remember that about a year ago we drew attention to Mr. Fitchett's stirring book, Deeds that Won the Empire, a copy of which had been......