Church Reform in Spain and Portugal. By H. E. Noyes,
D.D. (Cassell and Co.)—This volume, to which the late Primate of Ireland supplied a preface, gives " A Short History of the Re- formed Episcopal Churches of Spain and Portugal, from 1863 to the Present Time." We have no desire to enter on the contro- versies both as to principles and facts which are connected with this subject ; but it would certainly clear the way if those who opposed and censured the action of Lord Plunket and his fellow- Bishop in consecrating Bishop Cabrera would formulate distinctly their views as to the course of action open to Spanish and Portuguese Christians, who, retaining the Creeds, desire to liberate themselves from Roman abuses and errors.
Three volumes of " The Modern Reader's Bible," edited by Richard G. Moulton (Macmillan and Co.), may be mentioned together, with the remark that none of the whole series are more likely to be useful and interesting. These are Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. It is especially in these books that the ordinary reader wants the guidance, not so much of the commentator, as of the arranger.