[TO THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.'] thR,—You are opening your
columns to the perplexed Unionist voter, Mr. Hobhouse, and others. May I add my 'bewilderment to the general stock P Here is a characteristic piece of Radical-Socialist legislation, an inauguration in a small way of Tariff Reform. According to the Leicester Daily Post of December 1st, 1909, the Town Council of Leicester has adopt( d the following resolution:— " Tha this Council, whilst realising the many advantages gained by the introduction of labour-saving machinery when it is introduced for other purposes than saving wages, gives instruction to each Committee that no labour-saving machinery will be sanctioned by this Council, until alternative employment can be found by the Council for such labour displaced."
The Tariff Reformers also promise to deal with the question of unemployment in the same scientific spirit. Why should the Spaniards and other foreigners whom it is our duty to hate dump their tropical fruit in our markets P The primitive industry of rubbing two sticks together would produce enough heat to enable us to grow forests of oranges and effectually solve the question of unemployment. Birmingham has said it, and the rest of the party accepts it. It is not, however,
very convincing. If Lord Balfour will tell us where the woods lie, there are many of us who will join him there. I do ray best to believe that I belong to a sane nation; but the times