11 DECEMBER 1909, page 16

Blackstone And Abraham Lincoln.

[To THE E - Drrox or rim "Erse:Arm:9 SIR, - 21 propos of Professor Dicey's most interesting article in the National Review for December on Blackstone's " Commentaries," may I......

London's Water Gate.

fro THE EDITOR OF THE " Briemroz:1 Suz,—Will the London County Council add to its good works by making a pond round the old water-gate of York House, and so present the gate to......

Seagulls At Eton.

[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin, — The writer of the article on "St. Andrew's Day at Eton" that appears in your issue of last week asks : "When did the seagulls first......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:1 Sin,—the Central Council

of the Mothers' Union, represent- ing over three hundred thousand members, desire to express their great satisfaction at the attitude taken up by you and also by the......

Mr. Ameer All And The Privy Council. [to Thii Editor

or rim "SrzcrAroa."] Sta,—The appointment of Seyd Ameer Ali, C.I.E., to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council is not only a deserved recognition of his distinguished......

The Guarantee Fund.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Srn,—The guarantee fund (see Spectator, November 27th, December 4th) now amounts to 2485 18s. So generous and whole-hearted a response in......

[to The Editor Of Tem " Spectator." J Sir, — Will You

permit me to lay before your readers for their criticism the following theory P The French meteorologists have a word, serein, for which we have no English equivalent. It means......


[To THE EDITOR OF' THE " SPICTATOR."1 SIR,—It is sad no doubt to wrest from Neolithic man the reputation of applying a principle "not wholly understood" in these days,—i.e., of......

"saint Ursula's Pilgrimage."

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—There can be no doubt that one of the chief attractions felt by nearly all human beings towards the stage is that it gives them an......