11 DECEMBER 1909, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Srn,—The guarantee fund (see Spectator, November 27th, December 4th) now amounts to 2485 18s. So generous and whole-hearted a response in eleven days is most encouraging to those who are fighting for the preservation of our English homes from needless contamination. We all know that "offences must needs come," but a heavy doom has been pronounced on those "by whom the offence cometh." All who would" stand in the old ways "which have Made England through her home life what she is should not fail to take note of Mr. H. G. Wells's declaration of war along with his defence of "Ann Veronica" under the heading "An Open Question" in your last issue.—I am, Sir, &c., Wellington House, Westgate-on-Sea. HERBERT BULL.