11 DECEMBER 1909, Page 14


LTO TEl EDITOR OF TEl "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I ask the publicity of your columns for the follow-

ing note ?—

" There is an impression gaining ground, that, if there is a change of Government, Old Age Pensions will be abolished. This is of course an impossible thing for any Government to do. Old Age Pensions are now fixed by the law of the land, and no Govern- ment could last a week who dared to interfere with them. Just as certain as is the pay of the soldier in the army and the sailor in the navy, so is the continuance of the payment of Old Age Pensions to all who are entitled to them."

I quote from the November issue of the Hurst Green Parish, Magazine, and suggest that no more timely message of peace and goodwill for Christmas and the New Year can be sent to the aged poor than the wide republication of the reverend

editor's note through the length and breadth of England. Religions papers please copy.—I am, Sir, &c.,