New Enrriorrs. — The Apostle of Alaska : the Story of William
Duncan of Metlakahtla. By John W. Arctander. (Fleming H. Revell _Company. 5s. net.) —Horse Synopticae. By the Rev. Sir John C. Hawkins, Bart. (The Clarendon Press. 10s. 6d.)—Sir J. C. Hawkins explains that his object in preparing this edition has been rather to supply deficiencies and. remove imperfections than to extend his inquiry into fresh regions. The work of so careful and conscientious a student of the New Testament is sure to be useful, whatever direction it may take.—How to Write the History of a Parish, by Rev. J. C. Cox (George Allen and Sons, Sc. 6d. net), has reached, we are glad to see, a fifth edition. This looks as if many people were awakening to a sense of duty in this respect.—Seener from the We of St. Paul. By the Very Rev. F. S. Howson, D.D. With 8 Coloured Illustrations by Harold Copping. (R.T.S. 3s. 6d.)—In the publications of the Hakluyt Society, A New Account of East India and Persia, by John Fryer, Vol. I., with Introduction by William Crooke, BA. (Bernard Quaritch).