SIR,—As a coloured person of British birth and an Oxbridge
graduate, I was interested to read your three articles on the colour problem in Britain.
Those of us who were born here and have grown to maturity find that we are considerably worse off than we would be without the recent influx. The large• numbers who have come in have resulted in an increasingly severe competition for jobs (at the slightly higher level than the unskilled), with the result that even graduates of British universities are being forced to accept low-paid menial jobs—and even these are extremely hard to get in such areas as London where immigrants have come in in large numbers and people have had a chance to see what they are like.
I personally was in favour of the controls on im- migration introduced by the Conservative Govern- ment from the outset and I believe now that the numbers coming in should be reduced still further (though I would not support Sir Cyril Osborne's five- year ban). A few months ago Lord Casey, the former Australian Minister of External Affairs, said: 'Every nation has the right to its own cultural autonomy.' I believe this principle to be vital to the maintenance of world peace, but at the same time we must accept that racial mixing is inevitable and not take any more steps than are strictly necessary to preserve cultural autonomy. I believe that British govern- ments have so far acted with wisdom, restraint and statesmanship in this matter.
174 Clay Hill Road, Basildon, Essex