Second Thoughts I Had Some Doubts About Printing My Article
'First Thoughts' on maiden speeches in-the House of Commons. I feared that the primitive tribal initiation rites of our system of democracy might be incomprehensible, even to......
John Bull's Six Counties
B y ALEXANDER WALKER ORE) ERSKINE OF REMICK, who has this month taken office as Governor of Northern Ireland, has at least one advantage over his predecessors. His choice was......
Spectator's Notebook
NEXT week's second read- ing debate on the Bill to abolish capital punishment will certainly see a large (and probably a very large) majority of the House of Commons voting for......
The Snail Mail
As the banks have issued a statement to the effect that the whole mechanism of cheque- clearing is being impeded by post office delays, I think I'll add my own contribution to......
What Is A Secret?
Sam Brittan has written (Penguin, 6s.) a fascinating account of The Treasury under the Tories 1951-1964. It is as enthralling, as full of suspense, and, I fear, as sadly......
Social Research We Are Far Behind Some Other Countries In
the resources we devote to social research within the framework of national development. The Council of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations should command all our support......
Tailpiece Extract From A Boy's Letter Home:
Have you heard of a chap called Menuhin who plays the violin? Well, his son is teaching me the guitar. QuooDI......
Call Me Mister .
What between Conservatives who are going out of office And Socialists who are coming into office And Liberals who are just about the place (Calling in aid Lord Wade) And Law......