Shorter notices
Inglorious Rebellion: The Jacobite Risings of /708, 1715 and 1719 Christopher Sinclair-Stevenson (Hamish Hamilton £2.75) Cni't,cted Papers on the Jacobite Risings Val 1 Rupert C. Jarvis (Manchester University Press £3.60) Twc, very different books on the successive attempts of the Pretenders to regain the throne of a united Britain. Mr SinclairStevenson is a publisher, with a special interest in the Gordon Highlanders, who gives a lively account of the earlier Jacobite risings, omitting that of '45, "since that campaign has been analysed almost to excess "; Photographed portraits and engravings of the period are included. Mr Jarvis on the Other hand, in line with current trends in the writing of history, provides analysis rather than narrative, firmly based on the relatively unexplored resources of local and national archives. C.G. The White Nile, Alan Moorehead (Hamish Hamilton £5)
First published eleven years ago, this famous book tells of the exploration of the Nile and the opening-up of the African continent. The political and economic consequences are then looked at—for example the building of the Suez Canal, Gordon's appointment as Governor-General of the Sudan, Kitchener's victory at Omdurman and finally, the perusal of the Nile as an
Open highway to the sea. J.B.