Fair Rents
From Mr H. E. Francis, QC Sir: I should be grateful if you would allow me to make the fcllowing comments on Mr Harry Samuels' letter on Fair Ren's (December 4). (1) The......
The Irish Mess
Sir: I read with interest the account in the November 27 issue of the banned World in Action programme on the Republic of Ireland. I had suspected that my contribution to this......
From Miss Muriel Anderson
Sir: How welcome was the reminder by John Graham (November 20) of the basic and unchanged realities and distortions of Ulster politics which are at the root of the present......
Sir: Mr Short (letters, Novemhe 20) Complains That In My
letter November 6 I ignored the hostilit , to the EEC, in both Northern Ire, land and certain sections of tit'. South. The subject of my letter ws' direct rule. My reference to......
Sir: The Situation In Northe R T, Ireland Is Surely...
and we should be spared pat. attempts by Irishmen, real and n called, to confuse the issue by use of meaningless statements. his letter of November 13 Mr FitzGibbon propounds......