Sir: Mr Short (Letters, Novemhe 20) complains that in my
letter November 6 I ignored the hostilit, to the EEC, in both Northern Ire, land and certain sections of tit'. South. The subject of my letter ws' direct rule. My reference to the political skill needed to negotiate entry into the EEC was to ma. ill the point that the political sio was available in both Westminstel and Dublin to solve the problem ,° a disunited Ireland. Entry into to; EEC is an issue which should n°,: be associated with the Iris' problem. The first priority is the crushin$, of terrorist organisations. This a," only be done by a combined effo; by Westminster and Dublin. If the) can combine in this there is 11,e reason why they cannot joeljtj together in discussing politi solutions to the problem. 'Vie question is — Have either gover0; ment got the will to enter int' negotiations? It seems to me that WestrninSter is scared stiff of accepting direl responsibility for Northern Irelane and that Dublin has but a vag,,h° idea of what they would do Northern Ireland if they We"' given it. G. ColV,ii; 44 The Triangle, Lyngford Estow Taunton