11 FEBRUARY 1832, Page 10


9th February 1832. His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex. President, in the chair. Lord Henry John Spencer Churchill, F.L.S. of Burwood Place, Edgeware Road; and the Honourable George Charles Agar, MA.. F.L.S. of Connaught Terrace, were proposed as candidates for election. John Edward Gray, Esq. of the British Museum, was admitted a Fellow of the Society. The following presents were received, viz.—A Treatise on Age ; by P. M. Roget, M.D. Secretary to the Royal Society, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c.80. A Treatise on Asphyxia, by the same. A new mode of Ventilating Hospitals, Ships, Prisons. 8,:c.; by George Hawthorne, M.D. Clinical Illustrations of Fever ; by Alex- ander Tweedie, M.D. Principles of Lithotrity ; by Baron Heurteloup. The Cycle- Fedi:: of Practical Medicine ; by Doctors Forbes. Tweedie, and Conolly—Part II. The United Service Journal for January and February 1832. The Horticultural Register, No. VIII. Physical Chart of the Island of Teueriffe ; by Professor von Bach. The National Port mit Gallery. No. XXXIV. The following papers were read, viz.—Remarks on the Volcano of Graham's Island; by Captain Smyth, R.N. Researches in Physical Astronomy ; by J. W. Lubbock, VB. and Treasurer of the Royal Society. The remainder of Sir Charles Bell's paper on the Human Voice.