11 FEBRUARY 1832, page 11
The Army.
WAR-OFFICE, Feb. 6.--3rd Regt. Foot : Lient.-Gen. K. A. Lord Howard of Effing- ham. G.C.B. from the 70th Foot, to be Col. vice Gen. Sir G. Don, dec.-70th Foot : Lieut.-Gen. G.......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTIIS. On the 6th inst. at Ryde, the Lady of W. IltiettES HUGHES, Esq. Barrister-at-Law, M.P. for Oxford, and Alderman of London, of' a daughter. On the 3rd inst. at......
From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, 7th February.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. SUTTON and BYLES, Wheathampstead, coal-inerchauts-J. and H. 11/ ARTIN, Cowfold, Tan:tiers-E. and 11. B. BUTLER, Birmingham, clock brass fouuders-W. and......