FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, 7th February.
SUTTON and BYLES, Wheathampstead, coal-inerchauts-J. and H. 11/ ARTIN, Cowfold, Tan:tiers-E. and 11. B. BUTLER, Birmingham, clock brass fouuders-W. and NV. Mo- ot:es, Northileet, millwrights-RovLE and Lyon. Manchester. wine-merchants-CuAn- nom and Sewer, Manchester, smallware-numufacturers-BLeAELEy and Co. Norwich, woollen-manufacturers - R. and I. SMITH, Bradford. worsted-spinners-WIIITLEY and DAWSON, Kirkheaton, roal-mintrs-CememtoLL and Resins's, Warriogfon. pin-makers - BETTINSON cud II ART, Newark-upon-Trent, joiners-RICIllaus: it mitt CREWDEON. Lau- caster, coopers-Dame and FISHWICK, Tottenham Court Road, oilmen-RienAttleoN and GODFREY. Berkeley Square, booksellers-JoNEs and Co. Manchester, cotton-spits ners-T. and J. E. BARNETT, MinorieS, guts-makers-STRETCH and SMITH, Warrington, grocers-SmETuunsT and Ismay, George Street, Blackfriars Road, hat-mannereturers -Sment and HeNT, Newport, Monmouthshire, wine-nwrchants-HALL and tI aItItoyy, Eceks, sulantanufacturers-JAcEsox and Pores. Gateshead, spirit-merchant - SI 0 REL and SEDDON, Great Marlborough Street, upholsterers-Ha:tee:ere and Wn :VI AKER, Clithero, brewers - ADAmsox and FosTra, Bradford, carriers Day:Es WARD,
Aberbechan, lime-burners. INSOLVENTS.
JACKSON, WILLIAM, Maidstone, jeweller, Feb. G.
PLIRsGLOVE, JOHN, Iresstmonceaux, common-brewer, Feb. 7.
BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. LUCE, THOMAS PARstEe, High Street, Southwark, lawman. IETER, JAMES, Oldham, cotton-spin ner.
ALDERTON, ROBERT, Charlotte Street, Blackfriars Road. carpentesto surrender Feb. 16, March till: solicitors, Mr. Coombe, Tokenhouse Yard; and Mr. Clark, St. Stvithin's Lane.
COKER, WiLtsAm TAYLOR, Lime Street, hide and skin-broker, Feb. 21, March 20: solicitors, Messrs. Carter and Gregory, Lord Mayor's Court Oftice. DEwEr. Fasseets WILLIAM, Huggin Lane, Wood Street, glover, Feb. 14, March 20: solicitor, Mr. Metter, Basinghall Street. HUN, FRANCIs, Drypool, Holderness, miller, Feb. 17, March 20: solicitors, Messrs. Walmsley and Co. Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Dryden, Hull. FENTON, PIREBE HAMMERSLEy, Liverpool, milliner, Feb. 29, March 20: solicitors, Mr. Vincent. King's Bench Walk; and Messrs. Bartley and Roberts, Liverpool. FLOWER, WILLIAM, Cann, Dorsetshire, coal-merchant, Feb. 29, March 20: solicitors, Mr. Robins, Southampton Buildings ; and Mr. Chitty, Shaftesbury. HIBBARD, GEokor, Bath, maltster, Feb. 20, March 20: solicitor, Mr. Fisher, Castle Street, Holborn. HorronTorr, ZACHABTAH BARNES, Liverpool, timber-merchant, Feb. 20, March 20: so- licitor. Mr. Carter, Castle Street, Liverpool. HOWELL% WIlLIAM. Gellyhave, shopkeeper, Feb.14,15, March 20: solicitors, Messrs. Platt and Hall, New Boswell Court. JONES, WATKIN METRICK, Mold, master, Feb. 18, March 20 : solicitors, Mr. Holden, South John Street, Liverpool; and Messrs. Walmsley and Co. Chancery Laue. KTNG, BERKELEY, Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place, lithographic-printer, Feb. 20, March 20: solicitor, Mr. Pike, Boyle Street, Saville Row. KNIGHT, WassrAm, late of St. *cot's, draper, Feb. 14, March 20: solicitors, Messrs. Grose and Burfoot, King's Bench Walk; and Mr. Beedham, Kimbolton.
MARKS, JAMES, Foley Place, horse-dealer, Feb. 10, March 20: solicitor, Mr. Fisher, Queen street. MATTH1E, WILLIAM GT.EN, and MATTHTE, CRAIG ARCHIBALD, Liverpool, merchants, Fob. 20. Mardi 20: solicitors, Messrs. Miller and Peel, Liverpool ; and Messrs. Taylor and Co. Ring's Bench Walk. Pa Rai NS. PN, EDWARD CHANDLER, Green Gates, Yorkshire, apothecary, Feb. 14, 15, March : solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Taylor, Ohl Fish Street, Doctors' Com- mons : tmmVtr.h1mrris. Bradthol.
Porsres, t: soseE Bot,Tox, Oxford Street, woollen-draper, Feb. 17, March 20: solici- tors, Mr. Jones, Sise Lane ; and Mr. Turqnand, Tokenhouse Yard. Savu.r„ E owes, Ember Mills, Sorry, miller, Feb. 16, March 20 : solicitors, Messrs. Carter reel Gregory. Lord Mayor's Court Oilier; and Mr. Graham, Cele hall Buildings.
Stator, Roamer, late of Salisbury, haberdasher, Feb. 20, March al u,olicitor, Mr. Crocker, King Street, Cheapside.
STEPHENm, Ions, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, bookseller, Feb. 11, March 20: soli- citor, Mr. Taylor, Furnival's Iun. SWyER, WALTER, Shaftesbury. common-brewer. Feb. 29, Marelt 20 ; solicitors, Messrs. Robins, Soutitamptou Buildings ; and Mr. Chid y, Shaftesbury.
TURNER, ELisHA, Crown Row, Walworth, hosier, Feb. 17, March "20 : solicitor, Mr., Smith, Kiters .1rms Yanl, Coleman Street.
Wtattu, THom Am, PRIV:HARD, LLI a M, and WILMA:es, ZECHANIA Machen, real-merchants, Feb. 17, Mardi 20 : solicitors, Messrs. Platt and Hall, New Bosweli Conn.
WI tie ,v, hi ARM' Brume-, Lawrence Penni ney Hill. boarding-ltonse-keeper, Feb. 11, Mardi 16: solicitors, Mr. Burn, Tukenhouse Yard ; and Mr. Clark, St. Se ithitt's Lane.
Feb. 2, T. and J..T(thnson, Lent Street. Stunt hwark, carpenters-Feb. 21, Fellowes, Altkrssate Street, brdser - Feb. 17, Crikmore, Skiantur Street. pewterer - March 1, Wright, Theobald's Read, Wilder - Mardi 9. Aterertuan. Bruton, woollen-dr:11,er - March 1, Fernier, Coventry, saddler-Feb. 29, Norris and *Hodgson, Manchester, cot- ton-spinners - Mardi S, Salter, Tiverton, stet isuer - Feb. 29, Potter, Scarborough, co:wisp. inter-March I, sae bridge. Coventry, ribaud-manu Su:tunic-Al awl] 2, llideout, Rochdale, linen- iraper-Feb. 29, Meson ani. Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, on =bents.
T be granted, unless cause he shown to the contrary, on or bellow Feb. 28.
Trea,tre, Moneys husloyne, shookseper - T. and S. Starey, Ctoydon, bleachers- Pratt. N.trw ieh, linen-draper -G :drawn y, Bat heastou, baker-Lockwood, Huddersfield, eloth-merchant - Aleosk, Coventry, timber-merchant - Platt, Cateaton Street, ware- houseman-Willis, Fladoug's Hotel, hotel-keeper.
HuNTEn, DittecAN and WILLIAM, Portobello, Glasgow, merchants, Feb. 10,24. Tnom, Jous, Kildrtim, farmer, Feb. 8, 23.
THOM, JAMES, South MiVet, farmer, Feb. 9,23.
Friday, 10th February.
T. Parlance and W. MANSER, bnilderS-BEWLEY, THOMPSON, and Co. Glasgow, me- nufacturers; as far as regards R. TnomPsoN-.T. and It. AsHwoRTH, Nunhill, Lan- cashire, woollen-manufacturers-WARErtELD and Co. Whitecross Street, St. Luke's, curriers-T. W. ATKINS and J. TAYLOR, Birmingham, brass founders-P. STEPE1ENSON and J. BLACKM0RE, Queen Street, Horseferry -Road, ship-smiths-J. DREW and B, GOIILS0N, Manchester, chymista-G. and C. RYLAND, Birmingham. iron-merchants- lidoomE and CowLisnAw, Shardlow, Derbyshire, malt-makers-T. ROBERTS and Co. Marelunont Street, linen-drapers-W. RAINSTORMS, J. W. R. WiLsoN, and R. Nimes slam jun. Presfon, Lancashire, attornies; as far as regards R. NEWSHAM-F., R, A., and A. Maxim, Coalbrookdale, Shropshire, ,iron-masters; as far as regards R. DARBY -3. CLOWES and C. WEDGE, Coventry, ribald-manufacturers-LEE and IIART, rag. merehauts-J. STOCRFORD and R. Bern Caunou Street, hair-dressers-Fosviot and SMErlISON, Selby, Yorkshire, brick-makers-T. ARBUTHNOT, S. MAINE. and It. KIRBY, St. John Street;Clerkenwell, carriers ; as far as regards R. K1RBY-R. WERE aud Co. Bristol, coach masters-SIMeSON and LEAKS, Goswell Street, leather-sellers-W. Stmods amid Co. Greenock, ship-builders.
JONES, PILCHER, Folkestone, Kent, cabinet-maker, Feb. R.
BYRON', JOHN Sart., Boston, Lincolnshire, draper.
Davis, DAVID DANIEL. Fitzroy Square, boarding-house-keeper, to surrender Feb. 17, March 23: solicitors. Mr. Kitchener, Lothbury; and Messrs. '1'. and G. selhy, Ser- geant's Inn, Fleet Street.
1).„.„.. isms Bourtutson-the-Hill. Gloucestershire, auctioneer, Feb. 15, Niarch 23: solicitors, Messrs. Findon and Wood, Shipston-upon-Stour; and Messrs. Oyneley and
Co. Gray's Jim. . GALE, JoSEPII, Manchester, carver and gilder, Feb. 25, March 23: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington amid Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Claye and Thompson, King Street, Manchester.
GRANT, DONALD, Torquay, Devonshire, builder, Feb. 21, March 23: solicitors, Messrs. Teesdale and Co. Fenchurch Street..
IlArryest, STEPHEN, Oxford, carpenter. Feb. 15, March 23: solicitors. Messrs. Sat- elifth and Birch, New Bridge Street ; and Mr. Lackington, Copthell Buildi JAcesox, .TosEen, Rochester, Kent, brush-maker, Feb. 21, March 23: solicitor, Mr. Neild, King Street. Cheapside. JEWSBURY, JAMES CROSHAW, Canterbury, Kent, linen-draper, Feb. 21, March 23: solicitor, 31r. Ilardwieh. Lawrence Lane, Cheapside. JONES, THoblAs, Kiddermiuster, druggist and grocer. Feb. 22, March 23: solicitors, Mr. Michael, Red Lion Square; and Mr. Bird, Kidderminster. LONOWORTIT, RICHARD, Upper RaweliffiswitleTarnicar, Lancashire, rush-dealer and cordwainer. March 2, 22: solicitors, Mr. Back, Ventlatn Buildings, Gray's Inu Lane; and Messrs. Harrison and Sou, Preston.
MONTAGUE, JAMES. Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, jeweller, Feb. 2-1, Mardi 23: solicitor, Mr. Sliver, Broad Street Buildings. MORGAN, W/1,T.IANI, and Co. Liverpool Street, merchants, Feb. 20. March 23: solici- tors, Messrs. Swain and Co. Old Jewry; and Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard, Coleaum Street.
PootE, JAMES, Worcester, comh-mannthettires Feb. 22. March 23: solicitors, Mr. Smith, Basinghall Street ; and Messrs. Parker and Smith, Worcester.
TA vr.olt, Tnomas, Clifford Street, Bond Street, Luau's-mercer, Felt. '24, March 23: solicitttr, Mr. Richardson, Ironmonger Lane.
WARNER, JOHN, Manchester, warehouseman, Feb. 25, 27, March 23: solieiters,
Ale:srs. Perkins and Frampton, Gray's Inn Snit:ire; and Mr. Lewtas, Manchester. . YoUATT, WILLIAM, Nassau Street, Middlesex Hospital. droggiA, Feb. 22. Mar.lm 23 s.:Iiviters. essrs. Cardales anti Newton, South Square, Gray's inn; and Mr. Graham, Cepthall II endings.
March 2, Sanderson, Gerrard's Cross, Buekinghamshire, s.Setualler-Marelt 2. Wldt- field, oxli,n1 Street, ironmonger-Feb. 20. Glennie and Fry, New Broad Street. mer- chants-March 5, Gough, Windsor. coach-maker-Mandl 1, Hoiden, Mincing Lane, West India-broker-A-larch 5, Peirson and Sammon, Russia Row, Milk S:tretit, Irish- fbetors-March 22, Dennisou, 'Festal' Park, merchant-March 5, Smith. Newcastle- under-Lyme, grocer-March '7, Dandy, Great Driflield. Yorkshire, groeer--March 5, Carter, Forton Mill, Hampshire, miller-March 12, Bailey, Portsea, coal-merchant.
CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or bef bre March 2. Burt, Great Castle Street, lodging-house-keeper-Mattriee, Dudley, printer-Lees. Alton, innkeeper-Earl. Church Street, Hackney, cheesemonger-Tilstone, Cheapside, commercial-agent-Hiatt, Crown Court, Broad Street, wine-merchant-Young, Craig's Court, Charing Cross, picture-dealer.