On the 6th inst. at Ryde, the Lady of W. IltiettES HUGHES, Esq. Barrister-at-Law, M.P. for Oxford, and Alderman of London, of' a daughter. On the 3rd inst. at Llanstinan, Pembrokeshire, the Lady of neon OWEN, Esq. 31.1'. of a son.
On the 29th ult. at Rotterdam, the Lady of JAMF.S MACPHERSON, Esq. of a daughter. On the 3d inst. at Delamorts the seat of her father, near Ivy BrhIge, Devon, the Lady of WILLIAM MAcEwoRTH ERAS!), Esq. Barrister-at-Law, of a daughter. On the 5th inst. at the Rectory, Southern, Warwick, the Lady-oh' the Rev. E IMAM') PHILIP COoPER, of a daughter.
On tin' 4th inst. at her father's, Sir John Macleod's, Mrs. BuRRE CUPPACE, of a daughter.
On the 8th inst. in Grosvenor Place, the Lady of CHARLES DRUMMOND, Esq. of a vni.
On the 7th inst. at Trinity Church. Marylebone, GEORGE IHACKTNTOstr. Emq eldest son of Willi:1111 Mackintosh, Esq. of Geddes and lintel], in the counties of Nairn and Inverness, to Cu Ant.otrtrx Ilxv.Es, youngest daughter if the late J. W. Felten, Esq. of l'itper Harley Street.
On time ettli inst. by special licence, by the Very 'Reverend the Dean of Carlisle, the Honourable CoAnt.Es ■11111-1ZNITA it, third son of the late Earl of Ashlutritham. and ittielte to t he Brit jIt Einl„,sy itt Pads, tO SARAH NNA, S,:12.111,111;111gbit!r Murray. Esq. "r Iir,),,,nor of sr. J:,,,,s‘i,.a. On the 7th inst. at Applet lierks, Mr. Jun N I IF.N it PARKER, of the Turl, Oxford, Ii, Eitasess )1 \ RV, (+lest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Iloskins.
On the :1111 inst. at Si. Martin's, Sir Crr.t.t I:Amax.- Smcrir, Bert. to IsARELLA, dangliter of t he late Thonta, William I'arr, lisil. of vrovnal, I ranirst,:o.
On the 7th inst. al Woolwich, Tuom E OrEtt, Emil. mitt the late Lieteens to-Colonel Sir John Oyer, R.C.B. of the Royal litillery, to Sit 'iv ANNE, daughter of .leutettatit- Colonel Clement, of the above regitnent.
On the 1st inst. Maier It ENTITAM, Royal Art itt, ry, 1L.t SI it ofthe late T.:eaten:tut- General Benthatn, Resat artillery, On the 2,1 inst. in Guernsey, in his 77th year, :Flirts SA,N1 micro, ES(1 el.le On the 3,1 inst. at Sudbury. Derbyshire, in his 56th year, Mr. Jolty Burs., late of the Viet ealline Mee, Somerset Place. on t he loth inst. at the Rectory Haase, TmulTidge, in his 73,1 year, tle• Rev. G. C R Bit E, tlw celebrated poet. tht the 7th inst. at Wcobvich, in his G:11.41 year, the Rev. W. Titnnov, .1.11. of St. John's College, Canibridue, Vicar of Grindou, in the county or Durham. Chaplain to the Marquis of Cleveland, late Chaplain anal Head Master of Grectiv:ielt Hospibil Schoo1s. On the 31st ult. at Lymington. Hants, in her Slot year, MARY, relict of the late Samuel Oviatt, Esq. of the same place. On the 7th inst. at his residence at Clielsca,Wrmanm Rust:m.1. MINCIITX, Esq. Soli- citor and Clerk in Court to his Majesty's Duchy of Lancaster. On the 4th inst. at his house in York Place, I;ortman Square, EDWARD SHARPE, Esq. late Chief Justice of the Island of St. Vincent, West Indies. On the 25 inst. at Shooter's Hill, in her 69t11 year, JANE, the wife of Lieutenant. General Cuppage, R.A. On the 3d inst. at the Rectory, Offord Cluny, Huntingdonshire, in her 825 year, SARAH, the wife of the Rev. Edward Edwards. On the 6th inst. at his house in Bernard Street, Russell Square, in his 74th year. JOSEPH SHEPHERD Mummr, Esq. formerly of the Theatres Royal Covent Garden and Drury Lane. On the 3d inst. at Elsham Hall, Lincolnshire, in his 75th year, WILLIAM THOMPSON ConnErr, Esq. of that place, and Darnall, Cheshire. On the 9th inst.. at the Vicarage House, St. Lawrence, near Ramsgate, in her 39th year, FANNY, thewife of the Rev. W. Elwyn. On the 28th nit, at his residence, Westhill Lodge, Titchfield, Hants. the Right Hen. Lord HENRY PAULET, brother to the Marquis of Winchester, a Vice-Admiral of the Red, and a Knight Commander of the Bath. On the 3d inst. at Rotterdam, in her 25th year, ELIZA, the wife of James Mac- pherson, Esq. and fourth daughter of Alexander Ferrier, Esq. his Britannic Majesty's Consul there.