A Mr. Slimy was charged in the King's Bench, on Wednesday, with writing and publishing a libel 'on Mr. John Fang, lute member for Oxfordshire. The libel con4sted of several letters addressed to Mr. note, in which it was affirmed that Mr. Edward Joddrel, the brother- in-law of Mr. Fane, had carried on a criminal intrigue with the late Mrs. Parry, Mr. Fane's daughter; and of a placard published previous to the Oxford election of 1830, and signed " An Oxfordshire Free- holder." The placard was traced to Mr. Slaney, and evidence was also tendered to prove that the letters were written by him. This part of the charge, through his counsel, Sir Thomas Denman, lie positively denied. The Jury, however, found a general verdict of guilty on all • the counts.