THE Session opened on Tuesday, and the Royal Message informed the Houses that the country was in cordial rela- tions with all Powers, and that the Treaty for the cession of Thessly-te-Greece had been honourably executed. Existing .9,rangements had imposed on the Government special responsi- bility in the affairs of Egypt; but their influence would be exerted to maintain the rights "established by the Sultan's Firmans and by international engagements." The restoration of peace on the North-West Frontier of India, and a good har- vest, have restored tranquillity in India ; and the connection with the Transvaal works well. The negotiations for a Consusurefit -Treaty will be continued ; trade has been improving ; the weather has been more favourable to agri- culture ; but the public revenue has not as yet quite re- sponded. The condition of Ireland shows signs of improvement, and "encourages the hope that perseverance in the course you have pursued will be rewarded ;" justice has been administered with greater efficacy ; and intimidation " shows, upon the whole, a diminished force." " Under the painful necessity of the case, I have not hesitated to employ largely the exceptional powers entrusted to me for the protection of life and property." A Bill establishing local self-government in the counties of Great Britain will be brought in, Ireland being reserved for special consideration, and the question of the extent to which local burdens may be relieved by contribution from Imperial taxes will be considered. There will be a Bill for the extension of self-government to the Metropolis at large, and many other Bills, such as the Bankruptcy Bill, with which, "during the last Session, notwithstanding the length of its duration and your unwearied labours, it was folind impossible to proceed." " The interests of some portions of the United Kingdom have suffered peculiarly of late years from the extreme pressure of public business upon your time and strength." These are the only references to what will be the real work of the Session,—the reform of procedure.