11 FEBRUARY 1882, page 1

Extraordinary Right To A Popular Assembly, Subject To All...

of political passions, to interpret the meaning of a statute by no means one of the simplest in the Statute Book, and for the proper exposition of which public opinion is......

Lord Granville, In His Reply, After Censuring The...

for "heaping vituperation upon the law of the land which they themselves had agreed to pass," declared that he remem- bered Ireland in a mach worse state during the anti-tithe......

News Of The Week.

T HE Session opened on Tuesday, and the Royal Message informed the Houses that the country was in cordial rela- tions with all Powers, and that the Treaty for the cession of......

In The House Of Commons, The First Business Was The

ques- tion whether the House should or should not interfere to pre- vent Mr. Bradlaugh from taking the oath, Sir Stafford North- cote moving a resolution that Mr. Bradlaugh " be......

In The Lords, After Lord Fingall Had Moved The Address,

in a formal speech, and Lord Wenlock had seconded it, in one equally formal, but a little better, Lord Salisbury rose to attack the Ministry on all points. They "had expanded a......

*.** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...

