Through Cities and Prairie Lands. By Lady Duffus Hardy. {Chapman
and Hall.)—There is very little to be said about a book of this kind, except to say whether or no it is pleasant to read, and to hazard an opinion, which for a writer on this side of the Atlantic must be very much a matter of guess, whether it has any solid value. That this is an entertaining book, there is no doubt. We expect as much from the writer, and are not disappointed. She went with a purpose to be pleased, and found what sho looked for. Canada, New York, Boston, the West, San Francisco, all please her, in different ways. Even the Saints of Salt Lake City receive a kindly word. The 'only thing among them that she thoroughly disapproved was the sermon which she heard in the Tabernacle. There are some interesting particulars about the Chinese in San Francisco ; the writer seems to have seen more of their domestic life than is commonly visible to travellers.