It should be noticed that the belief in impending war
is strongest of all in Rome. The Italian Government is strengthening its already strong fleet with feverish haste, and according to the Times' correspondents, intends to withdraw its troops from Abyssinia at once, leaving Massowah to be held chiefly by its native allies. It would hardly modify its policy so seriously without grave reason, and we take its action to show that it expects great events this year. It may, of course, be misinformed, or only urged by Prince Bismarck, as Austria has been, to keep its forces ready ; but it is at least as well served at the Eastern Courts as the Western Powers are, and hears a great deal more of what is believed in Vienna and Constantinople. The odd thing is, that neither in Rome nor Vienna nor Berlin is the precise point of apprehension specified. That some action by Russia is apprehended, is, we think, certain ; but nobody says what.