11 FEBRUARY 1888, page 2

Prince Bismarck Made His Expected Speech On Foreign...

the Reichstag on Monday. He spoke for two hours, and created such an impression that when he sat down, the Bill authorising a loan of 214,000,000 was passed without discus-......

Lord Ripon And Mr. Morley Were Entertained At Lunch By

the (acting) Lord Mayor of Dublin yesterday week, when the toast of "The Queen" was actually proposed, and drunk "with loud cheers," says the Times, by the majority of those......

It Should Be Noticed That The Belief In Impending War

is strongest of all in Rome. The Italian Government is strengthening its already strong fleet with feverish haste, and according to the Times' correspondents, intends to......

Mr. W. H. Smith Received These Overtures With The Cordiality

to be expected from him ; made rather light of the proposals concerning Procedure ; believed that the House would be satisfied with the disposition of the Government to respect......

It Is Announced That Lord Dafferin Will, "for Private...

resign his Viceroyalty on or before the expiration of his fourth year of office, or possibly even in March, and will be succeeded by Lord Lansdowne, now Governor-General of......

Passing To The Future, Mr. Gladstone Expressed A Hope That

the combats of last Session would not be renewed. "As far as this House is concerned, I think I may venture to say, not, indeed, as the result of positive communications at this......

In The House Of Commons, The Address In Answer To

the speech from the Throne was moved by Mr. 'Wharton (M.P. for the Ripon Division of the West Riding of Yorkshire), and was seconded by Colonel Duncan (M.P. for the Holborn......

On The Other Hand, The Secret Treaty With Austria Of

1879 was avowedly directed against Russia, and binds Germany to defend Austria if attacked ; while it is understood that the supplementary treaty with Italy accentuates all the......