[To TDB EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—In the Spectator of January 28th you printed an
interesting letter on the above subject from Mr. F. Impey, and in a note you drew attention to the formation of the Co-operative Small Holdings Society. May I, as connected with that Society, add a word or two as to its objects P It is the outcome of the desire to supply a centre or focus for the small holdings movement, and to emphasise at the same time
the need of co-operation among small holders. Our work has two main branches. We aim at showing, by reports and
other literature, what has been done in creating small holdings ; what have been the conditions of success ; what are the most hopeful lines of future progress. At the same time, we wish to help those who are already moving, or ready
to move, but who, from want of information, encouragement, and co-ordination of effort, are not using existing opportunities
to the utmost ; and the letters that we are receiving show clearly that we have here a wide sphere of operations hitherto neglected. We should welcome from either party legislative reforms such as those outlined by Mr. Impey. Meantime we believe that much may be done, especially at County Council and Parish Council elections, to secure that the powers
already possessed by these bodies are put into force. May I ask any of your readers who could give us assistance, by way of information or otherwise, to communicate with our secre- tary at 10 Adelphi Terrace, W.C. P—I am, Sir, &c.,
[We do not know whether it would be possible for the Co-operative Small Holdings Society to erect a set of model
small holding buildings at the Cheap Cottages Exhibition, but if they should be able to do so, we think that this physical demonstration of what is needed to equip a small holding might be most beneficial. Many landlords would like to create small holdings on their estates, but are prevented from doing so by fears as to the cost of buildings.—ED. Spectator.]