The Manning Of The Mercantile Marine.
[To THE EDITOR OP TIM "SPZOTATOR:] Sin,—In your issue of February 4th, and under the above heading, appears an interesting letter from Mr. Frank T. Bullen. The scheme there set......
The Battle Of Blenheim Or Protection P [to The Editor
Or THE " SrECIATOB..1 Srn,—I have no doubt that Mr. Biddell's account in the Spectator of February 4th of the supplementary aid to agri- cultural labourers in the hungry "......
Sir,—as A Liberal Of Over Fifty Years' Steady Attachment To
the party, and often an active worker, I should like to add my humble voice to the advocates for an appreciative, and even generous, action towards Unionist Free-trade......
The Free-trade League And The Unionist Free-traders.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE ..srscrsros..i SIR,—I beg to enclose a copy of a resolution unanimously passed by the Executive Committee of the Free-Trade League at its meeting on......
Chinese In Rand Mines.
[TO TER EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,,—Permit me briefly to call attention to one curious mis- take into which Mr. Ralph Stokes—in your last issue—and almost all the......