Several newspapers published a map showing only too clearly that
what Mr. Collins claimed was not a mere rectification by which a few Sinn Fein parishes here would go to the Free State and a few loyalist parishes there would be handed over to Ulster, but a transference to the Free State of nearly half the territory explicitly made over to the Northern Parliament by the Act of 1920. The astounding thing about the deadlock is that both Sir James Craig and Mr. Collins are equally positive that their claims are supported by assurances given to them in conversation by the Prime Minister and other members of the Cabinet. Such is the manner in which we are governed. Nobody can point to any final evidence on the point in writing signed by the Prime Minister or by any other responsible Minister. The present trouble is one of the worst examples of Nemesis overtaking the Prime Minister's method of sur- mounting difficulties by talking at large and allowing the two sides to a dispute to understand quite different things.