The Queen Of Sheba.
BY an odd coincidence, while the story of the Queen of Sheba has just been adapted for the film, the Ethiopic work giving the legend in full has been translated and edited by......
THE LIFE AND DEATH OF HARRIETT FREAN.* THOUGH the material which Miss May Sinclair uses in her new book consists, of course, of the events in the life of a real human being, yet......
Net.)—the Plan Of This Story Is Irritating, Inasmuch As In
the first section of Part I. the catastrophe, which is to come at the end of the book, is described, though it breaks off abruptly half way in its accomplishment. Then follows......
Other Novels.—the Street Of A Thousand Delights. By Jay...
(Mills and Boon. Os.) — This is a collection of stories of the Chinatown of Melbourne. The complete adapta- tion by the Chinese of the streets in which they live to a miniature......