COURT.—JudiCe . . . . • • • • . 8.30-2.30 [Mr. Galsworthy's dramatic tract retains our interest in spite of the fact that what is probably its cause romans, a certain evil In our prison system, has been largely removed. It is a singularly depressing play, but those who are unfamiliar with it will not regret a visit to the Court Theatre.]
COMEDY.—The Faithful Heart ..-
• 8.30--2.30 [Still palpitating tenderly, so to speak.]
Duxx or YORE'S.—The Night Cap .. 8.30 —2.30
[A vhit to The Night Cap, The Bad, Bulldog Drummond, and the Grand Guignol on consecutive nights might have disastrous results.]
NEW THEATRE.—Bloocl and Sand.. .. 8.13-2.30
[Mr. Matheson Lang in an Americanized (3) version of Ibaftee noel.]