A new edition of standard and traditional songs (each 2s.
net), with accompaniments and revisions by Mr. G. H. Clutsam, is being published by Messra.Murdoch,Murdoch and Co. Sally in our Alley, Jock o' Hazekkan, Come Lassies and Lade, The Leather Bottel and many other well-known airs are inoluded in the first • series. In concert rooms we frequently suffer, from the clumsy
• Music. By Jain Freeman. London : Selwyn and Blount. [73. dd. net.]
chordal accompaniments which some pianists fit to old songs—. manages di convenance, if you will—and Mr. Clutsam's settings will be welcomed as satisfying a long-felt want. His accom- paniments are simple and musicianly, and although written specially for the concert-room, they will present no difficulties to an ordinary pianist. The songs can be had in two keys.