Plays for Guides and Brownies. By C. M. Edmondston. (Wells
Gardner, Darton and Co. 2s. 6d. net.) The four plays in this little book can be recommended to Guiders who have to organize entertainments. They require little scenery and no elaborate costumes : it is possible for an entire troop to be used in each play, and none of the plays is over long. The first, Pandora, is an ingenious adaptation of the legend. The one good spirit in Pandora's casket is, in this case, the Guide Law. The evil spirits, Disloyalty, Unhelpfulness and the like, are first discomfited and then converted. They then throw off the long cloaks they are wearing and become Girl Guides. Another play, The New Recruit, gives opportunities for drilling, dancing, and a first-aid display.—The Children of the Year and other Plays. By j. S. MacRobert. (Same publisher. Is. net.)—These plays are more elaborate and require both boy and girl characters. Three of them are written in rhymed couplets. The plays in both these books can be acted without the payment of a fee.