11 FEBRUARY 1949, Page 1


IT is, as an American correspondent points out on another page, a fact astonishing to anyone even superficially conversant with the history and the constitution of the United States that an Atlantic Pact, binding that country to take part if necessary in common measures of defence with several countries in Western Europe, should have been carried so near realisation that its signature next month is now definitely counted on. The Pact, in fact, is being framed because circumstances compelled it, and its signature and ratification are the best guarantees that it will never need to be invoked. It is not clear yet what European countries will be asso- ciated with the Pact. Iceland is a probability, Eire and Portugal possibilities. Norway's decision will depend on the conversations her Foreign Minister is having in Washington, and to some extent on the degree of pressure Russia applies to her in the endeavour to keep her out of the Pact altogether. The two Soviet Notes sent to Oslo are characteristic, and so are the courage and calm with which the Norwegian people have received them. The Russian 'contention that the proposed Pact is inconsistent 'with the United Nations Charter is plainly baseless, and the demand that Norway shall sign a treaty of non-aggression with Russia finds sufficient comment in the experience of Finland, for precisely such a treaty of non-aggression was in force between that country and Russia when the Finns were made the object of unprovoked attack in 1939. Norway's position is difficult. The common frontier with Russia, in the frozen snows of the north, has none of the importance Russia chooses to attach to it in her communications with Oslo ; but Norway is obviously vulnerable, and she is entitled to be assured of immediate protection if she does join the Atlantic Pact signatories. That Sweden will not sign the Pact is certain ; geography makes her position more precarious than Norway's. But a way might still be found to reconcile a defensive treaty between the three Scandi- navian States with Norway's association with the Atlantic Pact signatories.