Towards Recovery
M HE news which came from Wall Street last Saturday, of a sharp fall in share prices and an increase in unemployment by two millions in one month, no doubt gave rise in Moscow......
A Spectator 's Notebook
N O doubt the Observer is right in saying that the Royal Press Commission is toying with the idea of setting up a Press coun- cil to establish some sort of Press standards.......
"wigs And Transformations For Ladies And Gentlemen May...
obtained Free under the National Health Scheme." So an adver- tisement in the Western Mail (inserted by someone who wants to sell these object & and get reimbursed by Mr. Bevan......
To The Forthcoming Meeting Of An Important Committee Of The
Economic Council for Europe, I read, "all the Governments of Europe (except Spain) have been invited." How irritating that per- sistent " exception " becomes. The political......
The Lynskey Report Debate Was Too Late For Me To
mention it last week, but it already seems old history.. Not very much was said in It that was helpful, and the view that the debate might well have ended after the opening......
Do You Know What A Horse Is ? You Think
so, but I doubt it. Anyhow, this is what the Bill, to be introduced by Sir Dymoke White, to restrict the docking and nicking of horses, says about it: " horse ' includes......
The Activities Of The Russian Ship's Company That Has...
the 'Royal Sovereign' home to Rosyth must be regarded, I suppose, as a slight chink in the iron curtain. There is a certain camaraderie between all navies, and the Scotland v.......
Labour Continues To Enjoy Singular Good Fortune In The...
of by-elections. Of the four seats at present vacant only one, South Hammersmith, is held by a majority of less than 6,000, which, in spite of Edmonton, is something......