11 FEBRUARY 1955, Page 30

A SPECTATOR'S NOTEBOOK Nor EVEN the least tolerant of his

critics (than among whom, as he himself not infrequently remarked, it would have been difficult to find a more consistently attentive readership) could have learnt with anything but the most pro- found sorrow of the lunar catastrophe which deprived the Spectator of Neutron's jottings. Departing from this journal in more untragic circumstances than, however conscious of the honour, he was enabled to join it, the present writer can only trust that his plodding but not insincere progress in Neutron's footsteps has, if it signally failed to stimulate them, at least not succeeded in lulling those same readers into art apathy for which Neutron could never himself have been held responsible. I hand over to Eurocrat with the Yuncomfortable suspicion that his appearance will be thought long overdue. But nemo mortalium omnibus Boris sapit.