(MARGARET BISHOP) LETTER TO THE EDITOR Sm,-The exasperating unreliability of the Spectator teleception service is now past endurance. To begin with, the logotransmis- sion......
Spectator Competition No. 261 Set By Joyce Johnson
Competitors are asked to imagine that by the next General Election man will have learnt how to control the weather; a prize of f5 is offered for an extract from any political......
City And Suburban
The Elizabethan Society is rightly protesting against the move to close England's one remaining bookshop, and let the premises as showrooms for a popular make of medium- priced......
Dips Into The Future
SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 258 Report by R. Kennard Davis Even more Interesting than the present series of extracts from the Spectator of 125 years ago would be extracts from 125......
Solution To Crossword No. 819 On Page Iii Chambers's...
Century Dictionary, New Versioh, is recommended for Crosswords A copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers s Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea will be......
Spectator Crossword No. 821
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 11 14 17 18 19 21 22 24 26 She gets the call-up (7). 'Is this really a case of seeing is believing in the East? (4-5). 1-leaveh on earth for an Irish peer (6).......
A Spectator's Notebook Nor Even The Least Tolerant Of His
critics (than among whom, as he himself not infrequently remarked, it would have been difficult to find a more consistently attentive readership) could have learnt with anything......
Spectator Competition No. 7758 Set By Strix Minimus
The usual prize of 150 dollars is offered for the first correct tape recording to be received of a doggerel translation into basic Martian polyameters of Wordsworth's 'The World......