11 FEBRUARY 1955, Page 30




Sm,-The exasperating unreliability of the Spectator teleception service is now past endurance. To begin with, the logotransmis- sion informator is ,frequently incorrect. Last week I was subjected to partial, transmissions of The Moon Gazette, the so-called comic Fizz and four ear-splitting 'dance-discs before finding the Spectator. The logotransmission usually occupies twenty minutes, instead of the advertised twelve and a half; the colour is garish, the sound still affected by helicopter- interference. The sensation-effects are unspeak- ably irritating : during a recent article on the

Amazon River campaign the smells were most offensive and the damp tropical heat covered our steel walls with moisture. When I attempted to record a complaint on receptor PS2481, a faulty scrambling' mechanism reduced my comments to gibberish.

I am therefore using the shilling post to ask you to send me the Spectator printed version from next Friday.-Yours faithfully,