11 JANUARY 1840, Page 7

'flue report. current about the Clubs of an extensive Brevet

promo- tion, on the occasion of' her Majesty's marriage, is not eutitled to much confidence. It is felt probably that a third milikwy brevet, within the short period that has elapsed mace tins accession of her Majesty, would occasion an increase of the Army Est I. tos, wide'', in the present finan- cial circumstances of the country, even the happy occasion might not entirely justify. But, be the cause of hesitation what it may, we are enabled to state that in point of' fact no definitive resolution on the sub- ject has yet been adapted by her Majesty's Governments—Motorist/Post, Lord Brougham left Paris ffir London at one o'clock the afternoon befbre last, at a moment's unit ice, on learning the ill mess of' his mother. Su little time was lost by his Lordship, that his niece did not learn his departure till her return front a morning promenade.—Galignani of Saturday.

Mr. Hume, Joint-Seeretary to the Board of 'frade, is about to retire. Mr. Hume will, we understand, be succeeded by Mr. Macgregor, whose successful discharge of the important commercial missions on which he has been employed during the last four years proves him to be tho- roughly qualified for the duties of the appointment now conferred on