11 JANUARY 1840, page 5
Ordered Them To Be Released, Saying That " Though He
detested his poli - tics lie had a personal regard ' for Brough. Cross - examined by Sir Frederick Pollock -" There are iron - works near the place where we were first taken " .......
The Liberal Electors Of Devoeport Have Made An Amicable...
ment, which, it is thought, will insure Mr. Dawson's defeat. They were to hold yesterday a piddle meeting, and a ballot was to be taken fie• each of the Liberal ennui Imes, Mr.......
The Tickets For The Manchester Anti-corn-law Festival,...
have been all issued, and it is now difficult to obtain one at a high premium. Many of the principal merchants, shopkeepers, and tradesmen of Liverpool, assembled on Thursday in......