It is said tItat Mr. Cavendi,h, M. P. for North
Derbyshire, will move, and Sir William Somerville, M. P. for Drogheda, sveond the address in the !loose of Commons.
Sir Hesketh Fleetwood, Sir William Somerville, Sir William Tre- lawny, and Sir John Guest, are talked as likely to be made Peers on the occasion of the Qaven"s marriage. We learn that Lord Melbourne hits nontioated his private secretary, the brother of Lord Lichfield, to the post of private secretary or trea- surer—or to the two pinees conjoined—to Prince Albert ; and that the salary of Mr. Anson's new office is fixed at 1,Ount. a year.—Morning „NW.
We understand that there is no foundation for tlw statement which oppeors in a morning paper respecting an appointment in Prince Al- bert's household ; and that any such statements Itittst he premature, if not absolutely untrue, as no arrangements have been made.--G/obe.
Tuesday's Gazette mentions the appointment of Sir Lionel Smith to be " Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Island of Mauritius and its dependencies."
A notice also appears in the Gazette from the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, stating that as the expenditure of' the United Kingdom for the year ending 10th October 1839 exceeded the income for the stone period by 878,463/. 1 Ta. •ftt., no sum is applicable to the purpose of' reducing the Debt.