The Glasgow Chronicle announces, that a number of Glasgow mer-
chants have resolved "to found an association under the title of The Scottish Colonial Society, on the model of the ColJnial Society of London, so as to afford an opportunity to all connected with and inte- rested in our Colonial dependencies to meet and communicate informa- tion on Colonial affitirs, to diffuse a knowledge on the sohject, to bring the influence of the Society to bear on the better government of the Colonies both at home and abroad, amid to awaken the public mind to a sense of the vast resources of the British Colonial dominions, and the expediency of promoting emigration on a great national scale to all our foreign possessions."
We understand that last week a number of vessels belonging to the ports on the Clyde were chartered to proceed immediately to America for cotton. An advance on the freights was the consequence ; and we learn that three-tinthings per pound was freely offered. In a few months we may therefore expect a large importation of' the staple article of our trade with Brother Jonathan, by way of clearing scores, l'nele Sam's promises to pay not being in high repute at present.—Glas- gow Chronicle.
Hugh Murray, who has a wife and four children dependent upon him for support, has been committed to Canongate Gaol, Edinburgh, for non-payment of 4s. 9d,, claimed from him for the support of Dr. Gil- christ and Mr. Clark, the two incumbents of the parish.
Alexander Andersnn, blacksmith and Chartist pikesmanufacturer, front Kirriemnir, is in durance on a charge of fiwgery. It is the name of Mr. Fullerton, blacksmith, Fearn, a respectable man, and Instther- in-law to the accused, which is forged. Fullerton nppeared in open court, and saliAcd the Sheriff that the sign :nitre attached to the docu- ment was not genuine. In three hours tltereafter Anderson WAS in prison, an officer having gone to Kirriemuir and returned ‘vith hitu in that short tinme. Thus there will be a fine opeoing for an enterprising pikentaker.—Dundee