11 JANUARY 1845, Page 1

Never in the history of Ireland did her popular leaders

expose themselves in more wanton and hurtful efforts to foster violence and dissension in that distracted country. It is the fault of past rulers that has enabled such men to be leaders anti to be popular : but, however arising, the fact is so ; and most deplorable is it. The Charitable Bequests Act is really in operation. The sagacious and discreet of all parties, in spite of a malignant popular clamour raised against them, have seized the opportunity to unite in work- ing for the advantage of Ireland ; and the Commission presents the novel and. gratifying spectacle of Conservatives and Liberals, Pro- testants and Catholics, English and Irish, labouring in concert to carry- out an improved law for the benefit of the country at large, party set aside. This is real "patriotism," all round, from bir Robert Peel's " Tory " Government to the extremely Liberal Com- missioner who is said to be a Repealer. It is alleged that there are imperfections in the act, and that the principal Catholic Com- missioners are eminently aware of those defects. But do they throw a well-intentioned deed, confessedly an improvement, in the teeth of those who offer it ? On the contrary, they accept the offer, and, in a spirit of frank confidence, ask for more in the same sense of justice. And it is promised. Meanwhile, the Irish " leaders " are straining every nerve to frustrate this beginning of a genuine understanding—ot a true union. Catholics assemble it public meetings, and, with Repealem for fuglemen, utter sneers and threats against their own Prelates. The Bishops on the Com- mission are denounced as opposed to O'Connell. How vivid the dread of some popular violence must be, is shown in the rumour that personal violence, if not assassination, has been threatened against ArchbishoB2furray. A Repeal paper is shocked at the calumny on " otietiable, our generous people,"—as if assassina- tion..were a.:daiiigtolien -to the Irish, who mark the influence of faction over the *hole people by an unceasing flow Of blood 1 as if sacred objects were truly sacred to the mobs that Violate funeral obsequies for the sake of faction, wreaking their hatred upon the corpse! Mr. O'Connell, using his past fame as a lawyer, put forth his attack in the disguise of a legal "opinion," declaring that the new act inflicted fresh injuries upon the regular or conventual clergy : the Crown lawyers have formally given a counter-opinion, and Mr. Oortnell is laboriously making a new attack upon them and the Lill—or rather, reiterating his old attack, furbished up for new and amplified to suit the date. Other tokens of real conciliation have put his party in a ferment. It is rumoured that the Pope has counselled the Irish clergy to bear them- selves meekly, amicably, and obediently, towards their poli- tical rulers, and that lie has uttered a formal approbation and adoption of the Charitable Bequests bill : what purports to be a copy of his Rescript—questionable, no doubt, in its Latinity, but confirmed on essential points by collateral evidence—has been published : but whether genuine or not, the mere rumour has in- duced the Repealers to set Papists against the Pope, and the Bishops and the clergy, should they accept the friendly overtures of England. One might suspect some dread that if a good un- derstanding were fairly established between England and Ireland, the Irish people could no longer be persuaded to -wish for repeal of the Union, or to pay the conjurors who promise it : sure enough, the Repeal rent is very low just at present.