11 JANUARY 1845, page 2

Gbe Atletropolis.

peal of the Malt-tax does net seem to prosper. The Protection of Agriculture have declared their opi- s inexpedient ; inasmuch as it involves an aggressive at the formation of......

Be Court.

AGAIN there is little to record at Court; though Windsor Castle has been enlivened by a more numerous influx of visitors, most of whom have staid some days. The list comprises......

The Intelligence Which Has Just Come From New Zealand Is

pre- cisely such as was expected from the manner in which the Local Government behaved after the Wairau massacre : the Natives have again been attacking the settlers, and, if......

The Argentine Republic " Attracts Unwonted Notice, Since...

the obiect of intervention. The Spanish races who colonized Central America have neglected to improve the resources of the region, in order to indulge perpetual wars.......

There Is A Great Newspaper Hubbub About The It Ministerial

crisis" in France ; which is prolonged, at least in the imagination of journalists, though the "facts" are none of the clearest. " In- trigues," " coalitions," and the like, are......